****Summer Hours Effective 6/3/24 – 8/30/24****

Consulting Services

Offering a robust line of products to meet your personal and business needs

Objective guidance for successful planning

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We gauge our worth by the personal and business successes of our clients. We can help your business identify areas negatively affecting profitability and growth and develop solutions that are practical and technically sound. In addition to acting as a sounding board for management, we provide comprehensive, flexible strategies that address the issues affecting your business.

The following is just a few of the areas in which we provide consulting services:

  • Certified business valuations
  • Type of entity selection
  • Accounting software selection and implementation
  • Computer systems
  • Buying/selling a business
  • Estate, trust & gift planning
  • Fraud Prevention & Detection
  • Investment Review
  • Pension & Profit Sharing Plans
  • Business Succession Planning