****Summer Hours Effective 6/3/24 – 8/30/24****

Recommended Podcasts

Get Off On the Right Foot Financially (And Stay That Way) With Your New Spouse

  • Radio Wedding Expo Show on AM1530 WCKG.

  • Originally broadcast on 3/8/15.

  • Steve Hirmer and Sue Meloun conduct a crash course on how to make sure you and your new husband or wife are on the same page financially. Hear an Estate Planning Attorney talk about planning for the future and Jerry Catalano CPA from Catalano, Caboor & Co. talk about the changes in tax status after getting married.

  • Jerry Catalano's interview starts at 24:44

Building A Business By Following Your Passion

Seize Your Business podcast

In this SeizeYourBusiness.com entrepreneur video, Jerry Catalano discusses how he built his accounting firm to a staff of 24 by one becoming an industry expert in his niche, earning referrals and acquiring other books of business, and being a thought leader and creative marketing mediums.

The Best Accounting Practices for Entrepreneurs

Jerry Catalano Interview with Christopher Dorsano

When becoming an entrepreneur the one area that will guarantee if you will have success is your cash flow and hiring the right accountant to manage your profit and expenses is a crucial part of your new business venture.